Many board games use Dice to randomly determine how far pieces can move or to resolve conflicts. Typically, this means the higher the number you roll, the better.
Some games, such as Axis & Allies, invert this system by making lower values more effective.
In modern times, [when? ] Some games and game designers handle Dice differently so that each side of the die has the same value.
In Castle of Burgundy, players use Dice to take actions based on their value. In this game, six is not better than one, and vice versa.
In Quarriors (and its descendant Dicemasters), different sides of the die can provide completely different abilities. Multiple parties often provide resources, while others give players useful actions.

Dice can be used for divination, and using dice for such a purpose is called divination. A pair of regular dice is common, but other forms of polyhedrons are also available.
Tibetan Buddhists sometimes use this method of divination. The Pythagoreans most likely used Platonic solids as dice. They called this Dice “the dice of the gods” and attempted to understand the universe through their understanding of polyhedral geometry.

Polyhedral Dice are commonly used in role-playing games. The fantasy role-playing game Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) owes much to the popularity of dice in the genre.
Some games only use one type, such as Exalted which only uses ten-sided dice. Others use multiple types for different gaming purposes, such as D&D, which uses all the common polyhedral dice.
Dice are often used to determine the outcome of events. Games typically determine the outcome as the sum of one or more dice above or below a fixed number, or as a specific number of rolls with one or more dice above or below a specific number.
Due to circumstances or character skills, the initial roll may add or subtract a number to the final result, or cause the player to roll extra or fewer dice. To easily record the results of dice rolls, dice symbols are often used.

Astrological Dice are a set of three 12-sided dice used specifically for divination; the first die represents the planets, sun, moon and lunar nodes,
The second die represents the 12 zodiac signs, and the third die represents the 12 houses. Specialized icosahedral dice provide answers to the Magic 8 Ball, often used to provide answers to yes or no questions.

Dice can be used to generate random numbers for use in cryptographic and cryptographic applications. The Electronic Frontier Foundation describes a method for generating passwords using dice
Diceware is a recommended method for generating secure yet memorable passphrases by repeatedly rolling five dice and selecting the corresponding words from a pre-generated list

In many gaming contexts, especially tabletop role-playing games, shorthand symbols are used to represent different Dice “d” or “D” is used to represent a die with a specific number of sides; for example, d4 represents a four-sided die
If several dice of the same type are to be rolled, this is indicated by the leading number specifying the number of dice. Therefore, 6d8 means that the player should roll six eight-sided dice and add the results
You can also indicate modifiers for the die roll if desired. For example, 3d6+4 instructs the player to roll three six-sided dice, calculate the total, and then add four